Are you still searching for a point of contact in technology companies?
Prosperity International offers Technology Company Leads that have details of all popular companies offering technology related solutions and products. Our leads include contact information of major industries that deal in technology services or products.
Industries we serve:
- IT
- Technology
- Manufacturing
- Healthcare
- Finance
- Insurance and Banking
- Agriculture
- Forestry
- Fishing and Mining
- Retail Trade
- Construction and Real Estate
- Transportation & Public Utilities
- Public Administration
Why Choose Technology Company Leads?
- 687,479 Contacts, all double opt-in
- Available in XLS and Text format
- Almost every job title available with comprehensive information like Name, Email ID, Company name & Address, Company Size, City, State/Province, ZIP/Postal Code, Phone and Fax and NAICS
- Highest deliverability guarantee, 90%+ for Direct mails, 85%+ for Tele-contacts and 65% – 75%+ for emails
More services we offer:
- IT Users Leads
- Global IT Executive Leads
- ERP Users Leads
- ERP Users Leads
- B2B Technology Leads
- Technology Company Leads